When you’ve worked hard and sacrificed to achieve a goal, it’s difficult to know how to respond when people say “You’re so lucky!” or “You have no idea how lucky you are” or “It must be nice” or something else to that effect. I heard it all the time when I first quit my job to be a stay at home mom, and I still hear it once in a while now.
It used to hurt because people didn’t realize that my circumstances didn’t just happen, or that it’s not always easy and fun. I didn’t quit my job because my husband makes so much money that I didn’t need to work (actually, I had been earning more than him). We had a goal, we made tough choices, and we went for it on an income that most people would say isn’t nearly enough. They didn’t see the low points, like when I cried because I forgot my store loyalty card and had to pay full price for diapers, and they didn’t feel my stomach churn every time I needed to make a big purchase.
Now, as a blogger who writes to try to enable others to have the same “luck”, such comments are deflating for another reason. “You’re lucky” feels like a dismissal of everything I try so hard to do. It’s like telling me, “It’s great that you can do that, but I never could.” But I don’t blog to show off. I blog to share ideas and to help. I don’t want a fan club, I want friends with similar goals. And if I can, I want to help you reach those goals.
One of my many quirks is that I tend not to put other people on a pedestal. I look at achievement, and I think “Hmmm…another human being did that. Maybe I could, too.” Many times I am wildly off base (like when I thought I could totally sculpt a wedding cake topper in the likeness of my husband and myself, or when I tried to patch cracks in our plaster walls after watching YouTube videos), but the many things I have learned and done happened because “I can’t” never really entered my mind (at least not until I actually failed).
I am not offended, depressed, or jealous because of the achievement of others. You shouldn’t be, either.
I thought I’d give you a look under the hood, so-to-speak, to see some of the ways my family lives on a rather modest income (when I’m not busy eating chocolates, watching soap operas and soaking in bubble baths).
As the mother goose in Charlotte’s Web said of her seven hatchlings:
Luck has nothing to do with it! It was good management and hard work.

We bought our first home in 2006 after renting an apartment for a year. In hindsight, we would be so much better off financially if we had just continued renting, but home ownership was important to us. We got pre-approved for a mortgage, laughed at the amount the bank said we could afford, and purchased a tiny home that cost much less. It needed a lot of work, even more than we realized when we signed the contract.
We saved our money when we were both working and paid for improvements like a new roof, painting the house, and new flooring with cash. When we outgrew our first home, we sold for a profit. It was a much smaller profit than we had hoped for, but considering the market, we were fortunate we came out ahead at all.
Our current house is much larger and much older. It has some nice features like a beautiful porch, gorgeous woodwork and leaded glass windows. What people can’t see lurking underneath is knob-and-tube wiring that needs updating, nightmarish plumbing in the single bathroom, drafty windows, and other odds-and-ends that will need seeing to. It stresses me out, but I try to focus on the positive.
We live in an area that is kind of dull and boring, but the cost of living is low, the pace is relaxed, and we have great schools.
Our home has been furnished almost exclusively with hand-me-downs and Craigslist purchases, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Meal planning is the best way to save money on groceries. Before heading to the grocery store, we have a list of meals for the whole week, and the ingredients we need to buy to make them. Of course it’s best to match meals with sale items and in-season items, but even if you don’t, you’ll save a lot of money just by sticking to what you actually need. Our current grocery budget is $400 per month.
We buy very few convenience products, and instead make most meals from scratch (including baby food). I’ve talked about couponing in the past, and we still use coupons a bit, but less so than we used to.
My husband has always brought his own lunch to work, even when we were both working and had a lot of money to spare.
Eating out is something we enjoy doing once in a while. We can trade in credit card reward points for gift cards to some of our favorite restaurants that we use for date nights. Other times we might go out for a pizza, or to some inexpensive family restaurant. Usually when we do splurge it’s because my husband has worked some overtime and we have a little extra money.
My husband and I have never, ever, owned brand new cars.
I entertained the notion of being a one-car family, since I drive very little during the week, but with my husband working almost 30 miles away, it was impractical. In a typical month I fill my gas tank once.
We currently have a car loan because my husband’s car unexpectedly bit the dust in spectacular fashion before we could save up enough cash to buy another one. I was very disappointed since we had only recently paid off all our debt except our mortgage, but sometimes you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do. We intend to pay it off much earlier than scheduled.
We landed a great interest rate (less than 3%) to purchase a low-mileage pre-owned economy car with an excellent reputation for reliability. Its gas mileage is so much better than my husband’s old car, which makes a big difference for us — he commutes almost 60 miles per day. His previous car lasted 11 years (we owned it for 8), and we hope to get just as much life, if not more, out of his “new” car.
We ditched our hundreds of cable channels years ago, and have just basic cable (which I also plan to cancel soon because the price keeps creeping up). We now supplement with Amazon Prime Instant Video after deciding that it could replace Netflix.
We use the same big boxy TV that my husband and I bought in 2005. It’s a piece of junk — the buttons on the front perform the wrong functions (the volume buttons change the channel, for example), and we need to turn it up almost all the way to hear DVDs, but it’s still not so bad that we want to spend the money to replace it.
We pay for high speed internet, which makes blogging, streaming video, talking on the phone and working online possible. For our home phone we use Vonage, but I plan to replace that with MagicJack or something similar in the near future to save even more money.
We spend $200 per year for our two cell phones. We do not have data plans. It’s amazing to me how many people cannot fathom living without expensive cell phone plans, when a couple decades ago, everyone was doing just that.

We shop for clothing infrequently, and when we do, I always head to the clearance racks first. If I can’t find what I need there, I’ll wait for sales and coupon codes. I also occasionally find things for myself at thrift shops or consignment stores, and I have sometimes benefited from hand-me-downs from relatives.
My oldest son has always worn new clothes because we don’t have anyone to hand things down to him, and there are slim pickings in thrift shops around here. We saved everything and haven’t had to buy very much for his baby brother.
Whether I’m shopping for myself or my family, I always try to find the best quality for my money, and choose classic looks that will stand the test of time.
Personal Care
I don’t get my hair highlighted, I don’t go for manicures or pedicures, and we don’t belong to a gym. I use drugstore beauty products.
I taught myself to cut boy’s and men’s hair, so my guys don’t have to pay for the barber. That’s one of the more extreme money-saving things I’ve done. I never in a million years would have thought that I could cut hair, but it turned out to be easier than I expected.

We don’t go on expensive vacations. My husband and I sadly haven’t been to England (where he’s from) since our oldest was born. That is one of the first things we’ll do once we’re able to save up the money.
I would also love to take our boys to Disney World someday. But, for now, we keep our trips inexpensive by driving to our destinations, and doing free or cheap activities, like museums and parks.
We give our boys new toys on Christmas and their birthdays. That is pretty much it. We sometimes reward good behavior or celebrate holidays like Easter with an inexpensive toy, a new book, or some kind of treat. We always have a set budget whenever we buy gifts.
Yes, we’ve had to deal with begging and pleading in the toy department, but I just ask my son “Do you have the money for that? Well, I don’t either.” It’s getting a little trickier now that he’s older and thinks that cashiers or banks hand out free money if you ask, but I’ve never been successfully pestered into buying something.
School and Activities

My oldest son is five and he isn’t in extracurricular anything. This is for both financial reasons and lifestyle reasons. School takes up a lot of time and energy as it is, and we like to enjoy meals together as a family each night. I don’t like to rush around. That said, we will probably add some inexpensive activities to the mix as he gets a little bit older and has narrowed down his interests.
Before he was in school we enjoyed the wonderful free programs offered by our public library, including a Kindermusik program. I’ll do the same with my younger son when he’s old enough. We skipped pre-school (with no regrets), and now we use public school.
Other than our car loan, we have no debt besides our mortgage. We use a rewards credit card to manage bills, but we pay off the balance every month. We paid off the remainder of our student loans ahead of schedule.
It’s automatic for us to think in terms of cash. Financing a project or a large purchase is an absolute last resort. In fact, when I’m considering how we’ll pay for a large project or purchase, I often forget that financing is even an option.
As I mentioned last week, we have various savings accounts that see us through the year and ensure our financial stability. We have money set aside for special occasions, emergencies and recurring expenses. If we have extra after everything is paid for, we save it.
We have also saved a small amount for retirement for as long as we’ve been working. We never stopped, even when we were working on paying off debt, and when times were really tough. It’s not as much as we should be saving, but even a little bit will really add up over time. In fact, the stock market has been doing so well that we are currently on track to retire early. I’m expecting things to come crashing back down to reality any time now, but it’s still exciting to see what just a little bit of saving can do.
Extra Income
Even with all the frugal measures we’ve taken, there have been times when we really needed a little more money to keep our show on the road. This was especially true when my oldest son was a baby and we were completely unprepared for the several hundred dollars per month it would cost to feed him hypoallergenic baby formula.
I have taken on a variety of side jobs that I worked during naptime, in the evening, and into the wee hours, to help us make ends meet. I’ll write more about that in another post.
It takes effort
I very much enjoy the “finer things” in life, so living more simply is definitely a sacrifice that doesn’t always come easily. However, the longer I do it, and the more financial security we build for our family, the easier it becomes.
Once you start seeing real results, it’s a lot easier to make relatively small sacrifices that at one time would have seemed big. It’s also, of course, very rewarding to be able to watch my sons grow — the years fly by.
Maybe you’re doing just fine without having to make all of these sacrifices. That’s okay, too. I’m not jealous. This is what we have to do in order to make our enviable lifestyle possible, and I’m okay with that.
Make your own luck
I know that the economy is bad, and people are struggling. Many of us are not living the lifestyles we imagined for ourselves when we first set out on our own, full of hope.
When you’re stressed, depressed, disappointed or feeling beat down by your circumstances, it can be hard to recognize opportunities to change course. I used to spend my days thinking “If only I could win a sweepstakes. If only my husband could get an awesome new job. If only I could land a book deal.” Really.
Then, a lightbulb went off in my head and I realized I had the power to do something about our situation now instead of waiting for and depending on something that was unlikely to happen.
I’m not here to trumpet my own horn or play a pathetic song on my violin. Some people are much more disciplined about their spending habits than I am, and others have much tougher circumstances to deal with than I do.
But the fact is, if you are reading this in the United States, or another developed “first world” country, you are lucky.
No matter what cards you have been dealt, never dismiss something you wish you could do as somebody else’s luck; little changes and a lot of determination can add up in a big way. If you’re resigned to life being all about good luck or bad luck or other factors outside your control, you’ll miss those opportunities to make your own “luck”. Hang in there, and never give up on your dreams.
Image source: shamrocks (quote added)
Life is what you make of it. Anyone can be a millionaire, it just takes hard work. I would never have dreamed I would be as close to retirement as I am now, but it is close.
Thank you for reading, and congrats on your success — that is wonderful! A lot of people don’t realize how many ordinary people are doing amazing things with their finances just by working hard and making wise decisions.
This was an impressive post that not only describes your outlook on life, but also encapsulates your frugal way of living.
I’m so impressed with all that you have been able to do, and your tenacity and grit. Being able to keep working in the face of disappointments and difficulty is surely a key to success, and I’m sure you have it.
Keep looking on the bright side, and I’m sure your “luck” will continue!
All the best,
Thank you so much for taking the time to read, Amy. Friends like you are a major reason I’ve been able to keep up the hard work.
Right on Jen. It’s a lot easier to chalk up someone’s financial situation to luck- they were born into the right family, or right area, or were in the right place at the right time. I hate crap like that. I appreciate you shedding light on how you’ve been able to achieve your goals. I think a lot of people would benefit from reading this. I’m not so much lucky as I am smart with my money. I don’t overspend, I buy less than I can afford, I save, I cut back, and I do a lot of things that aren’t necessarily confortable, but they are right. They are what’s needed to achieve the life I desire. Keep it up!
Thanks so much for reading, Ryan. The little things really do add up. If only more people understood that, they’d reach their goals, too.
Awesome, awesome post. It is hard to deal with those who think things are handed out to others, when it is really all about hard work. Finding the job of your dreams may be lucky, but getting it because you excelled at college and have the right experience with good recommendations (or any other goal) is not luck.
Thank you so much, Rocío! You are so right.
Jen – this post and knowing from experience in my own financial journey that there is usually more to it than meets the eye. In any case, jealousy is not only a sin but also non-productive.
Good for you, making your own luck and sharing how you did it so others can too! Love the pictures with the story too!
Thanks so much for reading!
“You’re lucky!”
This is a huge peeve of mine too and I hear it all. The. Time. I usually respond with something like: “Yep, all of those 80 hour workweeks paid off.” This shuts them up. I notice that the people who throw out ‘You’re lucky’ tend to be the ones who don’t even put in 40.
Other random comments:
-> Those leaded glass windows are beautiful!
-> What is the plumbing issue? Anything I can help with?
-> We are guilty of buying 2 cars new. I wouldn’t do it again. We’ll keep them forever though. Maintain a car well and 200K trouble free miles is easy.
-> We switched from Vonage to MagicJack and love it. The call quality is actually better and far cheaper. You should also check out Republic Wireless. When you’re at home, the phones go over WiFi for calls, so you can just get down to one or 2 phones (big drawbacks are the initial phone purchase and no iPhone). I also highly recommend Google Voice (free). I use that for my phone number and never give out my real one
Finally, I love the Jefferson quote! That man was an awesome thinker. If you haven’t yet, do try to make it to Monticello some day.
Thank you! I can only imagine what you must deal with. I’ve learned so much from the early retirement crowd even though we’re not quite in the same situation. If you don’t dismiss people, you can learn a lot from them.
The plumbing issues are many. I think what we need to do is gut the bathroom and just redo all the piping. The toilet has a mangled lead bend connected to cast iron. We’ve got that patched up for now. The tub is (I think) not vented properly and as far as I can tell does not have a trap. And, finally, the supply piping is iron, which in some spots is rusty. Lots of fun stuff! I’m very interested in switching to PEX, so I’ll let you know if we have any questions.
Glad to know you’re happy with MagicJack. I’ll look into those other options, too. Thanks!
Thanks for the post. I like that you choose to learn to do repairs on your own. In a previous life of mine I had to learn to do all sorts of repairs like plumbing, electrical, auto, etc because we were always so in debt that we couldnt afford any other way. Guess it was a good life lesson because now I can fix or build just about anything and enjoy the fact that my money can go elsewhere. Will be debt free except house in just a few short months. Keep up the good work
Thank you for reading, and congratulations on your debt progress! It is really freeing not to owe creditors any money.